Publisher name:
Pepitas de calabazaYear of publication:
544 Book size:
Weight: 816.5 g
Rustic with flapsFor much of the sixties, the name of Emmett Grogan circulated by the US counterculture without anyone dared to confirm or deny its existence. Ringolevio is the biographical account, true or perhaps dreamed, of the real person who was behind that mythical personage. Although this wonderful book can be read as a ruthless chronicle of the hippy years of Haight-Ashbury, above all is the testimony of the author's struggle against himself, which makes the book a hard narrative, sometimes difficult to accept but always wildly funny. Not in vain, Ringolevio was banned by Franco's censorship, and when he appeared in Mexico in 1974, he did so with various cuts. The edition we present is therefore the first complete in Spanish.