People living in disadvantaged communities across the UK feel misunderstood and ignored. Rapper and writer Darren McGarvey, aka Loki, expresses his feelings and concerns, and voices the anger that is spreading. McGarvey invites you on a safari, but not one of those in which indigenous people are interviewed from a safe distance and for a certain time. 'I know the fuss of life in the blocks of flats, the dirty, dark stairs, the whimsical elevators that smell of dog urine and fur, the grumpy janitors, the apprehension it feels to enter the building or on the way out, especially at night. I know the feeling of being away from the world, despite seeing it magnificently through a window high in the sky; the feeling of isolation, despite being surrounded by hundreds of people above, below and on both sides. But above all, I understand the feeling of being invisible, even though your more