Sentido contra sentido

¿Cómo se lee? Conversaciones con Patrick Llored

Sentido contra sentido - Jean Bollack - Arena libros
Publisher name: 
Arena libros
Year of publication: 
Book size:

This book of interviews has the ambition to provide the reader with key intellectual autobiography of an author whose work occupies a unique place in the universe of contemporary thought. The work of this research has focused exclusively on redefining the range of philological science, carried out from within, and infuse the theoretical and critical force it deserves. The personal relationship Jean Bollack this legacy is the leitmotif of this book, which is not limited on the other hand to offer only the description of a singular path, since it is an introduction to the knowledge of certain practices of reading and reflection on depth over forty years of research applied to numerous texts of tradition and modernity.

The originality of the method of this philologist lies in having brought philology to a questioning of the very meaning of the texts and produced a truly critical more


Book: Sentido contra sentido

ISBN: 9788495897213