Sobre la técnica

Sobre la técnica - Gilbert Simondon - Cactus
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 499 g
Soft cover

The technical object as a ritual; the twists and turns of alchemy; the correct use of nuclear energy; the mechanical inventions of the eighteenth century; a proposal for a complete reform of modern education; agricultural machinery; our idea of ​​progress, if any; an outline of advertising theory that recalls Walter Benjamin's aura; a surprising letter to Jacques Derrida on techno-aesthetics; a "film psychosociology"; a call to "save the technical object", and more. Here is presented everything that Simondon wrote about the technique in addition to the already classic The mode of existence of technical objects. It is impossible that there is not something of interest among all these topics. Simondon is a sauce that goes well with any dish, but on condition that it is known what is cooked: a new idea of ​​technique, which in fact refuses to talk about technique in general, as if a more



Book: Sobre la técnica

ISBN: 9789873831195
Precio de lista: $800.00
Descuento: 20%