Toda la obra de Sade puesta sobre sus pies

Toda la obra de Sade puesta sobre sus pies - Jorge Veraza Urtuzuástegui - Itaca
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Soft cover

During almost three decades of unjust imprisonment D.A.F. de Sade developed a radical critique of the nascent bourgeois society and a comprehensive satire of capitalist modernity in which we can read the portrait of current fascist neoliberalism, with its scenes of oppression and dispossession of millions of people, and faithful images of the oppressors, their outrages and their ideological justifications.

But to the confinement that Sade suffered in life were added two centuries of misinterpretation, distortion and defamation among his contemporaries and by all those who during the 20th century read him even to vindicate him, until reversing the meaning of his thought and stripping him of the radical coherence with the one that lambasts the lords of money and power, fights all the oppression and injustice of the modern masters who exploit and oppress us, rape us and murder us more


Book: Toda la obra de Sade puesta sobre sus pies

ISBN: 9786078651252