Transferencia neurótica y transferencia psicótica

Transferencia neurótica y transferencia psicótica - Margaret Little - Pólvora Editorial
Publisher name: 
Pólvora Editorial
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

In vivid account Little shows his work with psychotic patients and how he should have used his own psychotic areas to think, not "like" them, but in the "same way" as them. To do this I used what he called "basic unity" or "primary state of total indifference", memory of very primitive bodily events that are what matter most and are often shown as "acting outs", always stalked by the threat of annihilation. This "basic unit" originates long ago in the mother-baby duo and, poorly traveled generates serious pathologies while well-traveled sponsors neurosis, health and aesthetic experience. -Lic. Psic. Adriana Anfusso


Book: Transferencia neurótica y transferencia psicótica

ISBN: 9789569441127
Precio de lista: $540.00
Descuento: 15%