Tu patria es el mundo entero

Tu patria es el mundo entero - Lorenzo Marsili - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 270 g
Rustic with flaps

The future is slipping from the hands of seven billion human beings divided into their powerless national communities.

The great gap between a world in tumultuous transformation and a national politics that has become an inconclusive variety show is in full view. The global crisis of our time sees a complex of economic, ecological, technological and migratory challenges that no nation state is capable of governing. The result is an extraordinary provincialization of our political forms compared to the tests that humanity must face. Overwhelmed between a world history and a politics that has remained tragically anchored in the national dimension, we all feel like colonial subjects of a faceless empire. Only a new internationalism and the construction of a new world liberation movement will be able to restore to democracy the power to control and not to suffer the future.

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Book: Tu patria es el mundo entero

ISBN: 9788425445385
Precio de lista: $715.00
Descuento: 30%