"Through narratives like these two that Nicolás Tasin has translated, Gorki saw in Korolenko the ideal image of the Russian writer"
Santos Dominguez
Yom Kippur and Makar's Dream are two of Korolenko's best-known stories. They are funny, because Korolenko decides so, but they are also sad, and their characters, Iankel and Makar, move us, we pity them, but they are not painful, just human beings trying to save their "skin" in a hostile environment.
Korolenko exhibits a characteristic naive, realistic, natural narrative style, with intelligent and non-ironic humor. The mastery and plastic freedom with which he handles his Russian peasants, the description and the plot, make him a master of the story and the short story, which has led him to establish himself as one of the best Slavic writers.
Both stories portray the life of the Russian peasantr...read more