Ruta hacia Occidente opens a series of four essays on Zen in which its author, Alberto Silva, intends to investigate history, changes, mutations and the present of one of the most influential lines of thought in the Eastern world. The journey of Zen towards us counteracts the direction of the sun. Born on the banks of the Ganges, it took primitive form with Buddhism and Yoga clay. It was later enriched in Tibet, and continued its growth in China. On the way to Japan for twenty centuries, it was called dhyana, channa or ch'an. After so slow maturation, it arose in Japan with the name of Zen, epitomized in the life and work of Eihei Dôgen, founder of Soto, school of sitting meditation or zazen, in the 13th century. The irruption of the West in Japan in the 19th century would activate a new journey of Japanese Zen to the East: its export to the United States, then to Europe and now to La...read more