El Revuelo de la serpiente

Quetzalcóatl resucitado

El Revuelo de la serpiente - José Luis Díaz Gómez - Herder México
Publisher name: 
Herder México
Year of publication: 
Weight: 270 g

By a delicate prose and careful work of inquiry, reflection and analysis, this work of José Luis Díaz, reveals how the myth of Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent of the ancient Mexicans and survives today. The commotion of the feathered serpent maniefiesta a historical and cultural turmoil that has come to play a unique role in the construction of Mexican nationality. Dragon is the return of Mesoamerica


Book: El Revuelo de la serpiente

ISBN: 9685807183
Precio de lista: $280.00
Descuento: 30%