Salinas, 1902 - New York, 1968 , Narrator and playwright , famous for his novels which place it in the forefront of American naturalism or social realism , won the Nobel Prize in 1962 .
His style, next to journalism, nevertheless has a great deal of emotion and symbolism , as in his major works : Of Mice and Men (1937 ) , The Grapes of Wrath (1939) and East of Eden (1952 ) . Steinbeck 's prose has a strong allegorical and spiritual component , paying special attention to the disadvantaged of all kinds, so part of the review has been awarded the label " proletarian novelist " for his interest in the experiences of populations immigrants and the problems of the working class, from a socialist or redemptive posture. For example , The Grapes of Wrath is considered the most revolting novel of the 1930s , it provoked fervent humanist reaction of a large audience opposed the conservatives .