Researcher "Ramón y Cajal" program, funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology, and Professor in the areas of Moral Philosophy and Political Philosophy at the University of Valencia. European PhD, did graduate work at the University of Frankfurt (Germany), with a DAAD scholarship and short stays in bioethics centers in the UK, USA, Italy, Germany, France and Belgium. Currently he is director of the Research Group in Bioethics at the University of Valencia, a member of the consolidated group I + D + I 'Ethical implemented and democracy "of the Generalitat Valenciana, member of the Bioethics Society of Valencia Family Medicine and Community, and contributor to the ÉTNOR Foundation (for Business Ethics and Organizational). He has also been a member of the Ethics Committee of the University Hospital of Valencia. He has taught at the University of Valencia, University of the State of Mexico, Polytechnic University of Valencia, University of Almería, ESIC (School of Business Management and Marketing) and the Technological Institute of Monterrey, Mexico. He is the author of A moral compass for life (2003), and co-author of Educating in justice works (1998) and Ethics in Research (2004). This Editorial has published Advance Directives. An alternative to lonely death (2006).