Sistemas CBIR

Recuperación de imágenes por rasgos visuales

Sistemas CBIR - Sara Pérez Álvarez - Trea
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Taking the role taken today by the image as a means of communication, this book aims to reflect on existing new ways of representing and retrieving images. We are accustomed to both the representation of the images for later retrieval and finding the same to be made through the use of words. However, in these pages studying a type of automated accounting systems is addressed and for retrieving images without resorting to textual attributes that define them. The advantages involved in these systems are evident for both the user and the professional documentation. A priori, among others solve the problem of the time taken to index quote pictures, inconsistency between indexers or graphic qualities difficulty of expressing in words. For example, when a user does not have a clear idea of ​​the image you want, the system will offer a sample from which visual similarity can browse until more


Book: Sistemas CBIR

ISBN: 9788497043144
Precio de lista: $805.00
Descuento: 25%