Anton de Kroon (1943) is corporate and individual coach since the eighties. Reading the work of Bert Hellinger opened the door to a new perspective: the world is what it is. He was co-owner of Management-in organisatieontwikkeling Greep and perfected his method based on family constellations, from which he took some concepts for application in organizations. This led him to guide organizational constellations and achieve better progress in the phenomenological systemic work. Subsequently, he developed strategies to use the ideological background of the constellations during talks counseling and coaching so that they could do without the development of a constellation.
In all the previous work Systemisch Adviseren book emerged: organisatie levend als systeem [systemic Consultancy: the organization as a living system], written with Siebke Kaat and published in Het Noorderlicht editorial.
Currently, Anton teaches courses and workshops on systemic intervention in the Bert Hellinger Institute in Groningen, Netherlands, and other institutions in eight nations. As a next logical step, apply its systemic coaching ideas.