La canción de la bolsa para el mareo

La canción de la bolsa para el mareo - Nick Cave - Sexto Piso
Publisher name: 
Sexto Piso
Year of publication: 
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Song airsickness bag leads the reader to the depths of the mind and soul of one of the great contemporary musical geniuses: Nick Cave. On the pretext made a tour with his band The Bad Seeds by twenty cities in North America, Nick Cave has created a book of impressions, memories, poems, song lyrics, reflections on his philosophy of composition, and also about their fears and fears deeper, artistically dumps with sensitivity and imagination overflowing, not without humor. Through such as intimate lyric writing, Nick Cave is unfolded continuously between their respective roles as creator and performer, then, as he says, it is "a nervous system that is fed rhyme and ghosts." Between aircraft, buses, hotels and concerts, The Song of the airsickness bag is stunned witness to a spiritual and sonic journey through the different stations that make up this fascinating enigma known as Nick Cave, more


Book: La canción de la bolsa para el mareo

ISBN: 9788415601975
Precio de lista: $400.00
Descuento: 15%