Antesala de la estética

Antesala de la estética - Jean Paul Richter - Itaca
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Did I wanted to be something else, in my anteroom, a teacher of aesthetics anteroom, which prepares and exercises acceptably young artists to present then the master of good taste? [...]. My wish is that this Antesala not lead to a trivial school for disputes, but rather a school of reflexive, or perhaps a seminal school exploration, since both grow something. "To Bolivar Echeverria, whom we owe the initiative which made possible the present publication of this book, the philosophical and literary turn, responds to the growing interest that has been aroused in recent years in Spanish-speaking areas by European Romanticism and especially German Romanticism. This first complete translation in our language this title extensive and varied work of Jean Paul Richter, one of the key figures of the period, representing a contribution to the knowledge of this German author in the more

Category: All >> Philosophy >> Esthetics

Book: Antesala de la estética

ISBN: 9786077957096