El origen de los sueños

El origen de los sueños - Francesco Alberoni - Gedisa
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It is growing anxiety, uncertainty and loss. But it is also increasing the need for values, roots and the desire to live in strong and noble communities. And these forces are becoming increasingly alive. How to capture the symptoms that announce? How do you study them? How do you interpret them? In this book, Francesco Alberoni introduces us to the result of years of observation, analysis and reflection, in search of
origins of dreams, desires and passions that give meaning to our actions, meaning to our existence and show us the way forward. Characterized by an incisive style, direct and generous narrative events, characters and episodes. The origin of dreams a book that will mark our entry into the new millennium, like other works of Alberoni have changed for many millions of readers around the world the way it is
perceive and live in love, love, friendship, moral feelin...read more


Book: El origen de los sueños

ISBN: 9788474328141
Precio de lista: $405.00
Descuento: 20%