Loco, the masterful novel by Rainald Goetz, is an explosive device that undermines the idea of normality that governs our days. Written in 1983, he glimpses with prophetic foresight the stifling dominance that the prevailing discourse of our time impresses on human beings. "I am not a mentally ill, my soul is sick", says one of the many voices that takes the word in this choral novel; And that agonizing confession perfectly sums up the intention of this text, which is disorganized and agonizing, which is none other than to attack the idea that criminalizes the abnormal, assuming it as a spontaneous and unnatural degeneration, and not as the logical product of a Siege that pushes the individual to compete, to show an image of himself that is acceptable, recognizable and ideally adorable. Loco is the escape that starts Raspe, a young psychiatrist, after being disenchanted with the meg...read more