Los niños perdidos

Los niños perdidos - Valeria Luiselli - Sexto Piso
Publisher name: 
Sexto Piso
Year of publication: 
Book size:

"Why did you come to the United States? That is the first question in the admission questionnaire for undocumented children crossing the border alone. " From her work as a translator for the defense of migrant children in the immigration court in New York, Valeria Luiselli was able to see firsthand the tangled legal process that literally depends on the future of the thousands of Central American children who risk life To cross the borders of Mexico and the United States in order to escape the daily hell in their respective countries of origin.

The missing child. (An essay in forty questions) is a brutal, intimate testimony written with frank, brilliant and lucid prose, which observes the reality of migrant children from a distance between the desire to remedy the existential helplessness in which they are submerged And the impotence that unleashes the inability to do so. And, ...read more


Book: Los niños perdidos

ISBN: 9786079436384
Precio de lista: $310.00
Descuento: 15%