El Pasado, instrucciones de uso

historia, memoria, política

El Pasado, instrucciones de uso - Enzo  Traverso - Prometeo
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Soft cover

This book aims to explore the relationships between history and memory and analyze certain aspects of public use of the past, from "time and strength" to the methodological problems of "memory and writing of history" and the hottest political uses of the past. A work that deserves to be part of a "more vast and always open debate" that includes our own historical memory, anchored between a political use of the past with pretensions of normability in an amnesic transition and that same past that the consensus constituted of the present needs unimputable. This book certainly opens up wide possibilities for citizen debate. History and memory: a contradictory couple? Time and strength. The historian, between judge and writer. Political uses of the past. The dilemmas of German historians. Review and revisionism.


Book: El Pasado, instrucciones de uso

ISBN: 9789875745247