Confesiones profesionales / Aforístic

Confesiones profesionales / Aforístic - José Gaos - Tecnos
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Soft cover

Philosophy, understood as a historical set of philosophies and philosophical disciplines, contains the idea of ​​a philosophy as personal confession or autobiography. Philosophy for Gaos is a story about the philosopher's own life. Hence these professional Confessions present themselves to us as the fundamental core of Gaos' philosophy. This work reflects the vital and intellectual path that the philosopher has traveled from adolescence to maturity in the year 53, the date on which he wrote this book, going through an almost traumatic period of civil war in Spain. This book, published for the first time in 1958, is a synthesis of his thinking, impossible to separate from his life, at the same time that it shows the philosophical lines that he will develop until his death, eleven years later, in 1969. Here is an account of the lived and thought and, in a certain sense, a birth, an more


Book: Confesiones profesionales / Aforístic

ISBN: 9788430967131