Albino Prada Blanco, born in O Bolo (Ourense) in 1955, Galician essayist and economist. Doctor in Economic Sciences from the University of Santiago de Compostela in 1991, professor of Applied Economics at the University of Vigo, he was a member of the Galician Council of Statistics, the Economic and Social Council of Galicia and the Consello da Cultura Galega. Editor of the Documents of the Economic Forum of Galicia (2014-2018). Between 2006-2018 he was a regular columnist for La Voz de Galicia; He collaborates in digital media such as Mundiario, Ctxt or infoLibre.
His fields of work focus on the critical analysis of regional growth and development, as well as its environmental and social aspects. On this subject, in addition to books and technical reports, he has published academic articles in Spanish and foreign magazines.