La soledad

Comprenderla y gestionarla para no sentirse solo

La soledad - Giorgio Nardone - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Rustic with flaps

In this work, Giorgio Nardone analyzes the feeling of loneliness, the most frequent that his patients present today, and shows us that it can be cured, understood and resolved.

We are used to thinking of loneliness as something that has two faces: on the one hand, the suffering and discomfort of the social animal abandoned to itself - much more unbearable in our hyper-connected society - and, on the other, the privileged condition to achieve the spiritual elevation, the happiness of artistic creation or the sparkle of the genius of the inventor or scientist. The truth is that this loneliness that hurts is present in all mental and behavioral disorders, of which it can be a cause, effect or manifestation.


Book: La soledad

ISBN: 9788425446900
Precio de lista: $520.00
Descuento: 30%