Javier García Fernández is a Doctor of Law, emeritus professor of Constitutional Law at the Complutense University. He has been Technical Secretary General of the Ministries of Relations with the Courts, Presidency and Housing, General Director of Military Recruitment and Education, and Undersecretary of Culture and Sports. He is the author, among other publications, of The Franco regime. A political analysis (1976), Spanish Bibliography of Political Law (1939-1981) (Madrid, 1982), The origin of the constitutional municipality: autonomy and centralization in France and Spain (1983), Legislation on Historical Heritage (1987), 1812 -1992. The art of governing, History of the Council of Ministers and the Presidency of the Government (1992), Law of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure. Didactic Units (1993), The Government in Action. Elements for a legal configuration of government action (1995), Political control of military missions abroad (2003), Studies on the Government (2007), Studies on the Law of Historical Heritage (2008), 25 military of the República (2011) and Anthology of the Public Law Review (1932-1936) (2016). He has been the coordinator of the lexicon of artistic historical heritage and military law, Dictionary of Legal Spanish of the Royal Spanish Academy (2016).