El pequeño camino de las grandes preguntas

El pequeño camino de las grandes preguntas - José Tolentino Mendonça - Fragmenta
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Weight: 120 g

There is a moment when we understand that questions bring us closer to meaning, to the opening of meaning, than answers. The answers are useful, yes, we need them to continue living, but life transforms those answers into questions. And we do not necessarily ask because we were wrong or because we considered our experience insufficient. The question is the spelling of the exuberance with which life manifests itself.

José Tolentino Mendonça, one of the leading essayists of contemporary Portugal, proposes an itinerary through some of the great questions of existence with the baggage of a solid frequentation of the classics: literature, philosophy, sacred texts, cinema, plastic arts and dance are some of the references with which the author dialogues to offer his wisdom proposal.


Category: All >> Theology

Book: El pequeño camino de las grandes preguntas

ISBN: 9788417796396
Precio de lista: $580.00
Descuento: 15%