La sociedad como representación

Paradigmas intelectuales del siglo XIX

La sociedad como representación - Josefina di Filippo - Siglo XXI Editores
Publisher name: 
Siglo XXI Editores
Year of publication: 
Weight: 363 g
Soft cover

In this work, Josefina Di Filippo analyzes the attempts to recreate a vision of the world through mentalities, that slow but progressive theoretical and rational clarification of the image of the collective world achieved through the institutionalization of the scientific treatment of social issues, of the degree of dominance that the culture of the XIX century reached over this network of relationships. Starting from the study of the scientific systematizations of the 18th century, and its approaches to a science of society influenced by the natural ones, this book rescues both the way utopian socialism perceives the social impact of the incipient phenomenon of industrialism, such as the transit of the philosophy of history to historical sociology. Positivist, materialist and biologicist approaches are approached as key cultural categories of the 19th century, to which is added more


Book: La sociedad como representación

ISBN: 9789871105472