Enuma eliš

y otros relatos babilónicos de la Creación

Enuma eliš -  AA.VV. - Trotta
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 350 g
Hard cover

The Babylonian Poem of Creation, known as Enuma eliš, constitutes, together with the Gilgamesh Poem and the Athrasis, one of the great works of Babylonian and Assyrian mythical-epic literature. This poem from the end of the second millennium, written in Akkadian, is, both for its length and for its literary value, the most significant text among the various cosmogonic-themed stories bequeathed by the Sumero-Akkadian civilization.

A classic piece of religious poetry, the Enuma eliš picks up old mythemes from older traditions and recasts them in a new narrative built to praise and glorify the figure of Marduk and his city, Babylon. Describes the origin of the universe; the fight between the god Marduk and his antagonist, the goddess Tiamat; the enthronement of Marduk, the great demiurge, and the ordering of the cosmos by him.

This edition includes other minor cosmogonic na...read more


Book: Enuma eliš

ISBN: 9788413640266
Precio de lista: $725.00
Descuento: 25%