Ricardo Maliandi. (1930-2015). On February 12, 2015 he died in the city of Mar del Plata Ricardo Maliandi at 85 years of age. Maliandi graduated as a professor of Philosophy at the National University of La Plata in 1958. In 1960 he moved to Germany as the external fellow of CONICET. He a doctorate from Johannes Gutenberg University of Mantez in 1964 with a thesis on the ethics of Nicolai Hartmann. Once returned to Argentina he was a professor of Ethics at the University of La Plata between 1965 and 1971. From this last year to his retirement in 1998 he was a professor of ethics in the Department of Philosophy of the University of Buenos AIRES. There he founded the Ethical Research Center in 1983, which he directed until 1996. He was a member of the CONICET researcher career from 1965 until his retirement as a principal investigator in 1997. After his retirement, Maliandi settled in the city of Mar del Plata , where he continued his teaching activity in various universities, including the National University of Mar del Plata and the National University of Lanús. He also continued his research task as a researcher hired from CONICET until 2005. He remained active as a writer until the last year of his life.
Maliandi was a very prolific author, who published numerous books. The first was his doctoral thesis Wertobjakivität und realityerfahrung (Bonn: Bouvier, 1966). As a result of his classes at the University of Buenos Aires he edited Ethics: concepts and problems (Buenos Aires: Biblos, 1991). This work, originally very brief, had several editions successively increased to the fourth, published in 2009, which constitutes a broad text of introduction to ethics. The most important philosophical work of him, elaborated for more than two decades, was published at the end of his life in several volumes: Convergent ethics I: Phenomenology of conflict (Buenos Aires: Las Forty, 2010); Convergent ethics II: Contributory of conflict (Buenos Aires: the forties, 2011); Convergent ethics III: Theory and practice of convergence (Buenos Aires: The forties, 2013). For this work he obtained in 2012 the First National Culture Prize in the Philosophical Essay category awarded by the National Secretariat of Culture. This book was undoubtedly the culmination of his career as a philosopher. Previously he had partially published the main ideas of his philosophy in the books The questioned ethics: Prolegomena for convergent ethics (Buenos Aires: Almagesto, 1998); Ethics, dilemmas and convergences: ethical issues of identity, globalization and technology (Buenos Aires: Biblos, 2006) and discourse and convergence: the discursive ethics of Karl-Olto Apel and the maze of conflicts (Buenos Aires: Oinos, 2010).