ActualidadDe Erotismo y Pornografía

ActualidadDe Erotismo y Pornografía -  AA.VV. - Topía editorial
Publisher name: 
Topía editorial
Year of publication: 
Weight: 454 g

This book presents various debates, perspectives, voices and views around the field of eroticism and pornography. Raquel Osborne delves into the complexity involved in a supposed differentiation between eroticism and pornography, highlighting that it is a very slippery terrain and where biases of all kinds, the more they filter, the greater the intention to differentiate between these two concepts. Michela Marzano draws attention to the paradox of contemporary society that prides itself on its discourse on intimate relationships, presenting them as the expression of an exchange based entirely on autonomy and individual freedom, and proposes to question the true result of sexual liberation. Irene Meler addresses contemporary trends in sexuality from a perspective that articulates the Gender approach with the analysis of subjectivities. Desires and sexual practices are privileged more


Book: ActualidadDe Erotismo y Pornografía

ISBN: 9789871185924