El absurdo acto de matar

Crimen del psicoanalista

El absurdo acto de matar - Carlos D. Pérez - Topía editorial
Publisher name: 
Topía editorial
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

January begins in Buenos Aires. As throughout the world, Christianity and civility have celebrated the 2016 rebirth of the Lord and, equally, the New Year. And as in the whole country, half plus one of the electorate has celebrated the arrival to the presidency of a businessman who based the campaign on the effort -on the purpose- of producing non-confrontational dialogues, that is, the end of ideologies.

The development of this novel could not be alien to this context, although it is for one of its protagonists, the psychoanalyst Andrés Kowes, who, beset by a strange malaise, decides to write about himself instead of doing it, according to his habit, about their patients. Separated from his wife, children abroad, he lives without company in a ph, where he has his office. When the symptoms limit his movements, he discovers a tasteless white powder mixed with the sugar in the co...read more


Book: El absurdo acto de matar

ISBN: 9789874025074