De Senectute

De Senectute - Norberto Bobbio - Taurus
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Weight: 382 g
Hard cover

De Senectute is the intellectual testament of the man who is considered to be the most important living Italian philosopher. Bobbio offers us his reflections on old age and makes a militant plea against the marginalization of the elderly in our society. The balance of a life dedicated to the study of the fundamental issues of law and politics.

"While the future world is open to the imagination, and no longer belongs to you, the world of the past is the one where, through remembrance, you take refuge in yourself, you return to yourself, you reconstruct your identity, which has been formed and revealed in the uninterrupted series of all the acts of life, linked together, you judge yourself, you absolve yourself, you condemn yourself, and you can also try, when the course of life is about to be consummated, to draw the final balance. We have to hurry. The old man lives on more

Category: All >> Ciencias sociales >> Derecho

Book: De Senectute

ISBN: 9788430600014