James A. Beane

James A. Beane

James A. Beane es profesor del Department of Interdisciplinary Studies in Curriculum, National College of Education, National Louis University. Ha sido profesor en centros de educación secundaria obligatoria y postobligatoria, y director de proyectos de los New York State Regional Education Planning Centers. Es autor de Affect in the Curriculum: Toward Democracy, Dignity and Diversity y A Middle School Curriculum: From Rethoric to Reality; coautor de Self-Concept, Self-Esteem and the Curriculum, Curriculum Planning and Development, The Middle School and Beyond y When the Kids Come First: Enhancing Self-Esteem at the Middle Level; cocompilador de Democratic Schools; y compilador del Anuario de la ASCD (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development), Toward a Coherent Curriculum.