Historia de las creencias y de las ideas religiosas 

Desde la época de los descubrimientos hasta nuestros días

Historia de las creencias y de las ideas religiosas  - Mircea Elíade - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 880 g
Hard cover

With Friedrich Nietzsche and his phrase "God is dead" summarized one of the most important spiritual changes occurring in the Western world in the last two centuries. But opposed, other gods as Bhagwan or of astrology minded other cultures. This divergence of cultural developments seems a contradiction, however, CG Jung pointed out a few decades ago that all the gods too have their story, they must die to be born again to symbols or resurrected. One of the great universalist religions sciences of this century was the scientist Romanian Mircea Eliade: there is no religion on which he has not published anything. His masterpiece, History of the beliefs and religious ideas, remained unfinished at his death (Chicago, 1986). Although had surfaced three volumes thereof, missing one to include religions autochthonous Australia, Oceania South America Central and Norte Japan China, Indonesia an...read more


Book: Historia de las creencias y de las ideas religiosas 

ISBN: 8425418895
Precio de lista: $1,605.00
Descuento: 50%