Mefistófeles y el andrógino

Mefistófeles y el andrógino - Mircea Elíade - Kairós
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 258 g
Soft cover

Mephistopheles and the androgynous is a fascinating essay on the meanings that mystical light acquires in the different theophanies: Indian, Tibetan, Jewish, Iranian, etc. The problem is the following: how to recover what is still recoverable in the spiritual history of humanity? Western man can not live indefinitely apart from an essential part of himself, that constituted by the fragments of a spiritual history from which he is unable to decipher the meaning and the message; Sooner or later, the dialogue with the "others" -the representatives of traditional cultures- must begin, not with the current utilitarian language, but from a perspective capable of expressing the diversity of human realities. The discoveries of deep psychology, together with the arrival of extra-European ethnic groups to the horizon of history, have unleashed the encounter with the "strangers" in the closed more


Book: Mefistófeles y el andrógino

ISBN: 9788472454934
Precio de lista: $380.00
Descuento: 15%