Amparo Alba Cecilia (Segovia, 1953) is a Doctor in Semitic Philology and Professor of the Department of Hebrew and Aramaic Studies at the Complutense University of Madrid, where she teaches since 1979 Hebrew Language and Literature and Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism, among other subjects . A large part of his research has focused on the study of the medieval Jewish storytelling, its relation to rabbinical literature and the literature of Jewish-Christian controversy. She is the author of books on medieval Hebrew stories, as well as numerous articles in specialized magazines and book chapters in collective works. He belongs to the Editorial Board of Sefarad magazines. Journal of Hebrew and Sephardic Studies, and El Olivo: Documentation and studies for dialogue between Jews and Christians. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Judeo-Christian Studies Center and Vice-president of the Spanish Association of Hebrew and Jewish Studies (AEEHJ).