My research in Semantics focuses on the representation of Tense, Aspect and Modality (TAM) in Spanish and French. This research is part of the studies carried out on the Aspect based on the theories of H. Reichenbach, Z. Vendler, and G. Carlson.
Currently, I am interested in the verbal periphrases of Spanish and continue a study on the evolution of the periphrasis SOLER + infinitive in diachrony (GRADIA-Universidad de Barcelona project). I studied the expression of modality in Spanish and French: infinitive constructions of saber/poder and savoir/pouvoir. I study the relationships between the type of modality expressed by the verbs poder/saber and the lexical aspect of the infinitive. I approach in several of my works the analysis of the Conditional in Spanish.
Current research topics
Member of the group GRUP DE GRAMÀTICA I DIACRONIA-GRADIA, (2017 SGR 1337) Universidad de Barcelona, Diccionario histórico de perífrasis verbales, Soler +infinitif: diachronic study of a periphrase.
Syntax and semantics of Spanish.
Time, Aspect and Modality (TAM) in the Spanish language:
Verbal circumlocutions in Spanish (SOLER +infinitive in synchrony and diachrony, VOLVER A + infinitive and RE- in French)
Spanish conditional.
Relationship between modal / auxiliary verbs and lexical aspect.
Lexical aspect and stative verbs
2004: Doctorate in Hispanic Linguistics – University of Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle. Thesis title:
“Comparative and semantic study of four Spanish and French verbs: saber/conocer and savoir/connaître”.
1996: Aggregation and Spanish Capes
1995: Licenciatura de Filología Hispánica – Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Teaching activities
Since 09/2005: Lecturer at the University of Toulon – 282 hours per year.
History of the Spanish Language: Historical Phonetics and Historical Morphosyntax (Licence, Semester 4 & Semester 5).
Introduction to Linguistics: F. de Saussure and the Course in General Linguistics, 'the functions of language' by R. Jakobson, characterization and formation of the Spanish language –vulgar Latin, 'substrate', 'superstrate'–, languages in Spain, phonetics/phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics (Bachelor, Semester 3).
Spanish Grammar (Bachelor, Semester 1 & Semester 2).
Synchronic Syntax and Semantics of Spanish: tense, aspect, mode, transitivity, intransitivity, substantive subordinates, explanatory and determinative adjectives, adverbials. (Bachelor, Semester 6)
Theme (Master 1 MEEF Teaching Spanish, LEA License 3).
Version (Master 1 MEEF Teaching Spanish, LEA License 3).
Language Facts (Master 1 MEEF Spanish Teaching).
2003-2005: ATER at the University of Nancy II – 192 hours per year.
2000-2003: Beneficiary-Instructor at the University of Paris III - 64 hours per year.
1996-2000: High school teacher (Paris)
1996-1997 La Bruyère High School – Versailles (trainee)
1997-1998 Jacques Prévert High School – Boulogne-Billancourt
1998-2000 Alain High School – Le Vésinet.
2016: El Condicional en español, Madrid, Arco/Libros, Cuadernos de Lengua española.
2009: The Mediterranean city: between imagination and reality. Proceedings of the symposium organized at the Palais Neptune in Toulon on September 14 and 15, 2006, texts compiled by M.T. Garcia, O. Lasserre Dempure and A. Vatrican, Paris, Honoré Champion.
Book chapters
2013: “El condicional de cortesía en español: la hipótesis como forma de atenuación”, in A. Cabedo Nebot, M. J. Aguilar Ruiz & E. López-Navarra Vidal (eds), Estudios de lingüística: investigaciones, propuestas y aplicaciones, Universitat de Valencia, p. 469-480.
2012: “Sexual insults in Spanish and French”, in M. Baudrez & T. Di Manno (eds), Sexualities: repression, tolerance, indifference, Brussels, Bruylant, p. 423-435.
“Acerca de la ambigüedad aspectual del verbo conocer en español”, in E. Hernández Socas, C. Sinner, G. Wotjak, (eds), Estudios de tiempo y espacio en la gramática española, Frankfurt am Main et al., Peter Lang , p. 139-154.
“El conditional: ¿por qué tiempo de la cortesía verbal? », inC. Fuentes Rodríguez, E. Alcaide Lara, E. Brenes Peña (eds), Approximaciones a la (des)cortesía verbal en español, Bern, Peter Lang, p. 557-568.
2010: “Los topónimos mediterráneos: lugares de la memoria”, inA. M. Arnal Gély & J. A. González Alcantud (eds), La ciudad mediterránea. Sedimentos y reflejos de la memoria, Granada, Universidad de Granada, p. 29-37.
2006: “For a sub-classification of state verbs. The Spanish example of saber/conocer: 'non-referentiality' vs. ‘referentiality’”, in G. Luquet (eds), The signified of language in Spanish, Paris, Presses de la Sorbonne-Nouvelle, p. 195-204.
Articles (peer review)
2018: "The translation of repetition: the periphrasis volver a + infinitive in Spanish and the prefix re- in French", Armand Collin.
2016 : “The modal conditional in Spanish and French: reading and translation”, inC. Piedehierro & C. Ballesteros, Grammar issues for non-native Spanish specialists, MarcoELE, 22, 216-228.
2015 :
“The modality in grammar: the capacity in the constructions know and power + infinitive”, Spanish Journal of Linguistics, CSIC-Madrid, vol. 45, no. 2 P. 115-141.
"Ne saurait en français: opérateur modal épistémique", Modèles Linguistiques, Modalités et Mode de discours: Interpréter et traduire, 72, p. 59-74.
“Evidentiality and Epistemic Modality in the Rumor / Journalistic Conditional in Spanish”, Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 29, p. 83–99.
"On the periphrasis soler + stative verb: a generic reading", Borealis: An International Journal of Hispanic Linguistics, 4 / 2, p. 104-118.
2014 : « Uses and modal values of the conditional in Spanish », Archivum, Magazine of the Faculty of Philology of the University of Oviedo, LXIV, p. 239-273.
2012 : "Savoir que et la notion de presupposition", Langages, 186, p. 69-84.
2010 : « The modalité et le conditionnel de rumeur en espagnol et en français », Modèles linguistiques, volume XXXI, vol. 62, p. 83-94.
Articles (others)
2013 : « The modalité dynamique dans les constructions saber et poder + infinitif en espagnol » (not published)
2006 : « A case of linguistic 'disappearance': the verb TO KNOW and hidden questions », inBabel, janvier, n° 13, Université du Sud Toulon-Var, Faculté des Lettres, p. 265-286.
2018 :
"The conditional in Spanish: time, mode and aspect", The Spanish verb from a contrastive perspective: mode, time, aspect, Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle, Journée d'étude, 1er juin.
“History of the evolution of the periphrasis SOLER + infinitive”, April 4-6, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexique.
“History of a periphrasis: soler + infinitive through the centuries”, Journée d’étude GRADIA, Université de Barcelona (UB), mai.
2017 :
« Tenses and modal verbs in L'Etranger de Camus », Autour de L'Etranger et de ses translations : Approches linguistiques des questions de temps, d'aspect, modalité et évidentialité, Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3, 16-17 November (with Ana Bravo- U. Murcia).
“The periphrasis volver a+ infinitive in Spanish and the prefix re– in French: interpretation and translation”, Spanish and French in contrast: from language to translation, Institut Cervantes & Université de Paris 3, March 10-11.
“Lexical aspect and genericity in four Spanish periphrases: used to/power/know/return to”, XLVI Symposium of the Spanish Linguistics Society, Madrid, CSIC, janvier 24-janvier 27.
2015 :
« Conditionnel et verbes de dire dans les marqueurs discursifs français et espagnol », Colloque Markers of discourse in Romance languages, Université de Heidelberg, May 6-9. With Sonia Gómez-Jordana Ferrary (Complutense University-Madrid).
«About the periphrasis Soler+ stative verb», XLIV Symposium of the Spanish Linguistics Society, CSIC, Madrid, 27-30 January 2015.
2014 :
“Why rumor conditional in Spanish is evidential?”, International Conference on Evidentiality and Modality in European Languages 2014 (EMEL’14), Complutense University of Madrid, October 6-8.
« About the translation of the modal conditional in Spanish and French », Institut Cervantes de Paris & Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle, Grammatical issues for non-native Hispanists, June 27 and 28.
« On the non-temporal conditionals in Spanish: Semantics of self-licensing contexts », Chronos 11th International Conference on Actionity, Tense, Aspect, Modality/Evidentiality, Scuola Normale Superiore – Pise, Italy, June 16-18, with Ana Bravo ( University of Murcia).
« Non-factual conditionals in Spanish: Contexts of legitimation and temporal anchoring », XLIII Symposium of the Spanish Linguistics Society, Faculty of Letters of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, January 20-23, with Ana Bravo (Université de Murcia).
« Le conditionnel comme opérateur modal épistémique dans la construction française ne saurait et sa traduction en espagnol », Université de Toulon, Journée d'études, Modalité et traduction, 20 October.
« About the translation of the modal conditional in Spanish and French », Instituto Cervantes de Paris & Paris 3, Grammatical issues for non-native Hispanists, June 27 and 28.
2013 :
« Non-factual conditionals in Spanish: Semantics and inferences », Colloque International de Linguistique Ibéro-romane (XIVème colloque Libéro), Université de Montpellier, May 29-31, with Ana Bravo (Université de Murcia).
« Modality and aspectuality in the constructions soler / power / knowledge + infinitive », XLII Symposium of the Spanish Linguistics Society, Madrid, CSIC, janvier 22-janvier 26.
2012 : « The conditional courtesy: the problem of the temporal focus », XLI Symposium of the Spanish Linguistics Society, University of Valencia, January 31-February 3.
2011: “The dynamic modality in the constructions saber and poder + infinitive in Spanish”, International inter-language colloquium ‘Les Modalités’, University of Rouen, May 12-13, 2011.
“Acerca de la ambigüedad aspectual del verbo conocer en español”, VII Congreso de Lingüística Hispánica, Tiempo, espacio y relaciones espacio-temporales en la lengua española, University of Leipzig, October 4-7.
"Women in the Spanish language: the problem of word gender", The representation of Mediterranean women: from citizenship to development, University of Moulay Ismaïl, Meknes-Morocco, and University of South Toulon-Var, March 26-27 .
“Saber y poder + infinitivo: una lectura modal y aspectual”, XXXVIII Simposio of the Sociedad Española de Lingüística, Madrid, February 2-5.
“Insults with a sexual connotation in Spanish and French”, Sexualities: repression, tolerance, indifference, 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Scientific Days of the Neptune Palace, University of South Toulon-Var, November 14-15.
“El caso del conditional de cortesía en español”, (Des)cortesía y verbal violencia en español, Facultad de Filología, University of Seville, November 5-7.
“The problem of the rumor conditional in Spanish and French”, Modes and Modality in the languages of the Euro-Mediterranean area, 2nd Euro-Mediterranean Scientific Days at the Palais Neptune, University of South Toulon-Var, November 8-9.
“El caso de los topónimos mediterráneos”, Segundo Coloquio internacional sobre el diálogo entre culturas en el Mediterráneo. La ciudad: lugar de la memoria y para la memoria, Baeza, University of Granada and University of Jaén, September 25-28.
2005: “For a sub-classification of state verbs. The Spanish example of saber/conocer”, Colloquium The meaning of language in Spanish: methods of approach, Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3, March 18-19.
2018: “The conditional in Spanish: history, interpretation, translation”, University of the Sorbonne-Paris 4, Hispanic Linguistics Seminar, February 22.
2017: Las perífrasis en español: el ejemplo de soler + infinitivo, March 23 (University of Barcelona) invited by Professor Mar Garachana.
“How to read the French conditional? », University of Tampere (Finland), September 14 (Erasmus), Invited by Professor Jukka Javu (Professor of Universities – Tampere University).
“La noción de modalidad en clase de ELE: modos, tiempos y perífrasis”, University of Murcia, April 29, invited by Professor Ana Bravo (Lecturer University of Murcia)
2015: “What is the Conditional? », SéLeDis, University of Toulon, 13 May.
2014 :
“How to read and translate the conditional in French and Spanish? ". Complutense-Madrid University, Faculty of Filología francesa, November 18, a 1h30 lecture, audience: Doctorate and Masters students. Invited by Professor Amalia Somolinos (Complutense University).
“Aspectos modales del condicional en español”, Complutense University-Madrid, Faculty of Filología Española, Department of Lengua española, Teoría de la literatura y Literatura comparada, May 12, one-hour conference, audience: students of the Master of Lingüística and professors . Invited by Professor Ignacio Bosque (Complutense University / Real Academia Española).
“Modality: the example of the conditional in Spanish and French”, Complutense-Madrid University, Faculty of Filología Francesa, March 17 & 18, two conferences of 1h30 each, audience: grado students, 4th year. Invited by Professor Sonia Gómez-Jordana (Complutense University).
2013: “The modal conditional of the hypothetical type in Spanish: semantics and inferences”, University of South Toulon-Var, SéLeDis, 20 November.
2012: “Know queet la notion de presupposition”, University of South Toulon-Var, SéLeDis, 16 October.
2010: “Acerca de las construcciones saber y poder + infinitivo en español”, University of South Bend-Indiana, United States, Faculty of World Language Studies, July 28.
2008: “Modality in French: knowledge and power”, University of Seville, Spain, Faculty of Filología Francesa, April 17 (Erasmus exchange).
2007: “The notion of aspect and state verbs”, University of South Toulon-Var, March 26.
2002: “On ‘modal’ constructions knowing + infinitive and saber + infinitive”, GERLHIS, University of Paris III, 14 December.
2001: “Semantic study (French/Spanish) of four verbs: to know/conocer and to know/saber”, Equipe d’Accueil en Linguistique Romane, University of Paris III, 12 May.
2000: "Study of four verbs: to know/conocerand to recognize/reconocer", GERLHIS, University Paris III, 13 May.
Member of the Sociedad Española de Lingüística-CSIC Spain.
Member of Team Babel EA2649: Multidisciplinary team (languages, literature, civilizations) / University of South Toulon-Var.
Member of Eris & SéLeDis: Two linguistic teams within the Babel laboratory / University of South Toulon-Var.
Heritage of both shores: dialogue between cultures in the Mediterranean. The Mediterranean city: between imagination and reality, First Neptune Scientific Days, University of Toulon (14-15 September 2006). Colloquium organized in partnership with the Spanish Universities of Jaén and Granada.
The lexicon of the environment: contrastive approaches, University of Toulon (November 4, 2011).
Linguistic and textual norms: emergence, variations, conflicts, University of Toulon (March 26-27, 2015).
Head of Department (2012-2015) / University of South Toulon-Var.
Member of the jury for the External Spanish Aggregation (2010-2013).
Responsible for Erasmus exchanges (since 2010) / University of South Toulon-Var.
Responsible for Active Orientation (2008-2012): participation in high school and student fairs / University of the South Toulon-Var.
Pedagogical manager for License 1 (2008-2012) / University of South Toulon-Var.
Member of the External Spanish Capes Jury (2007).
Participation in a selection committee: Paris 8 (2015).
Ruiz, Luisa: “Los extranjerismos en la prensa peruana”, (June 2012).
Mora, Sara: “La traducción de culturemas en las versions francesa e inglesa de Del amor y otros demonios” by Gabriel García Márquez, (June 2012).
Jandar, Dalila: “Haketia or Judeo-Spanish in Morocco”, (June 2010).
David, Aurélie: “Origen y formation del español de América”, (June 2009).
Grena, Alexandra: “La modalidad lingüística andaluza y las mujeres”, (June 2009).
Hernandez, Céline, “From Romaní to Spanish Caló: Influences on the Spanish and French Languages”, (June 2009).
Fernandez, Jenny, “Las huellas del andaluz occidental en la obra Luna Árabede Antonio García Montes”, (June 2008).
Picazo, Natacha: “La lengua murciana en Escenas güertanasde Enriqueta Egea Fernández”, (June 2008).
Reviewer for:
Pragmatics and Society Review (John Benjamins)
Rilce Review (University of Navarra, Spain)
Sintagma magazine (University of Lérida, Spain)
Journal Cahiers de Lexicologie (France)
Monograph La gramática en la diacronía. La evolución de las verbal perífrasis modales en español (University of Barcelona, under the direction of Mar Garachana, Lecturer University of Barcelona).
University of Tampere, Finland, Department of French (September 2016). Invited by Professor Jukka Havu.
University of Murcia, Spain, Facultad de Filología Española (April 2016). Invited by Professor Ana Bravo.
Complutense University-Madrid, Spain: visiting professor (CRCT), Facultad de Filología, Departamento de Lengua española, Teoría de la literatura & Literatura comparada (1 year: January-December 2014). Invited by Professor Ignacio Bosque, RAE / UCM-Madrid.
University of South Bend-Indiana, United States: visiting professor, Spanish language course, Department of World Language Studies, (1 month: July 12-August 8, 2010).
University of Seville, Spain: Erasmus exchange, conferences, Facultad de Filología, Departamento de Filología Francesa, (1 week: April 13-19, 2008).