Damian Selci, Argentine writer. He is the editor of Revista Planta, criticizes different Argentine media, has been active for a few months in La Cámpora (the youth group led by Máximo Kirchner) and has just published Canción de la distrust (Eterna Cadencia, 2012), a novel that revives the political story and in which he addresses -without resorting to realism- the division of Argentine society today: the supporters of a model versus the detractors. In this book, the first are Stubborn (name taken from Juan Martín Díez, "The Stubborn", who fought Napoleon during the occupation of Spain), while the detractors are Enlightened. The story is about some boys who want to convert the son of an Enlightened One through pedagogy. Organization, conscience, moral and pedagogy are the axes through which this story moves.