EM Cioran (Rasinari, Romania, 1911-Paris, 1995). At twenty-two he published his first work, On the heights of despair. His third book, Of tears and saints, was a scandal in his country. Cioran settled permanently in Paris in 1941, where he completed his thesis on Bergson and where he devoted himself entirely to writing. He frequented writers and thinkers like Ionesco or Beckett Eliade. In 1946 he resigned his adopted nationality and stateless status. A year later, with Breviary
rot, began his writings in French, as did his as Romanian. From their extensive work, apocalyptic, ironic and, mostly, aphoristic, can be highlighted: The Temptation
to exist, the fateful demiurge, Twilight thought, Falling in time, tear, That damn I book Syllogisms chimeras or bitterness.