Enrique Dussel

Enrique Dussel

Professor of Political Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy at the UAM-Iztapalapa (Mexico), teaches courses at UNAM (Mexico). Doctor of Philosophy from the Complutense University of Madrid and the Sorbonne in Paris, plus Master in the Study of Religion (Catholic Institute of Paris). Doctor honoris causa of the Universities of Fribourg and La Paz (Bolivia). Visiting Professor for one semester at the universities of Frankfurt, Notre Dame University, Loyola University (Chicago), Vanderbilt University, California State University (Los Angeles), Duke University, Harvard Unversity. It is one of the founders of the movement of the Philosophy of Liberation and author, among other works, to an ethics of Latin American liberation (1973-1980, 5 vols.), Philosophy of Liberation (1976), The theoretical production Marx (1985), Ethics Community (1986), the Cover of the Other (1992), Apel, Ricoeur and Rorty and Philosophy of Liberation (1994), Towards a critical political philosophy (2001), Policy 20 Theses (2006) Materials for a political philosophy of liberation (2007), and in the same Editorial, Ethics of Liberation in the Age of Globalization and Exclusion (52006), politics of Liberation (vol. 1 2007) and along with Karl-Otto Apel, discourse ethics and ethics of liberation (2005)