Étienne trocmé. (1924-2002). He studied letters and theology, expanding him at the University of California, Los Angeles, and at the University of Basel, where he attends Karl Barth's courses. After being attached to research at CNRS (1953-1956), he exercises teaching at the Protestant Theology Faculty of the University of Strasbourg, where he will be a New Testament professor between 1965 and 1994. His state thesis is dedicated to the formation of the Gospel According to Marcos (1963). He compatible with him academic charges and in various institutions with the social and religious commitment of him and the work of him in favor of ecumenism. He was editorial editor of Christianisme Social magazine (1953-1965) and the Revue d 'Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses (1967-1974), later also director of the latter (1979-1996). Among the numerous books of him, Jésus of Nazareth Vu Par Les Temoins of Sa Vie (1971), The Passion As Liturgy (1983) and Saint Paul (2003).