Fernando Barcena, a doctorate in Philosophy and Education Sciences and professor of philosophy of education at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Member of the Editorial Committee and Advisory Group for Research on Education and Communication (GRECO), the Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela and other magazines and domestic and foreign publishers. He has participated in recent years the research project philosophy after the Holocaust, the "Institute of Philosophy" of the National Research Council (Madrid). He is currently director of the Research Group UCM-CAM on civic culture and education policies. His essays and books have focused mainly on reflection, on the border between philosophy and literature on the relationship between education and the event from the perspective of a poetics of training experience. On the Editorial Herder has published: The delirium of words. A poetic essay on the beginning (Herder, 2004) and Hannah Arendt, a philosophy of birth (Herder, 2006). Other books include: The Office of Citizenship (Polity Press, 1997) Education as an ethical event. Birth, storytelling and entertainment, along with Aileen Joan-Carles (Polity Press, 2000, forthcoming in Italian), The Sphinx moves. Learning pain after Auschwitz (Anthropos, 2001) The reflective experience in education (Polity Press, 2006), The Sfinge mutates. L'aprendimento dopo pain Auschwitz (Open City, 2006).