Hugo Gola
Was born in Pilar in the province of Santa Fe, Argentina, in 1927. Studied at the Universidad Nacional del Litoral, graduating as a lawyer. He was a professor of literature at the same university and cultural integration at the Institute of Cinematography. left the country in exile in 1975 and lived in Mexico until 2011 to return to his native Argentina. He taught literature at the Iberoamerican University and published the magazine Poetry and Poetics and a collection of books on issues of contemporary poetry. His poetry was published in Argentina under the title of Playing With Fire, which meets four previous books. In 1989, this work was published on the editorial Arcane 17, France. In 2004 the Economic Culture Fund of Mexico published his meeting with the title Leak work. In 2007, Argentina Halcyon publisher of Prose and published his book in 2008, Retakes. In 2004, Argentina Konex foundation awarded the poetry prize for his published work. The magazine also directed the poet and his work.