PhD in Philosophy from the University of Barcelona and Diploma in Social Sciences from the Faculty of Theology of Barcelona; since 2003, he teaches History of Philosophy at the University of Barcelona. He is the author of two poetry books, La ribera invisible (Ediciones Ribera, Barcelona, 1989) and Limbario de stunning (ib., 1995), of a still unpublished study on the lost treaty of Gorgias de Leontinos of what is not or nature, with critical editing, translation and commentary of the testimonies, a doctoral thesis on the Parmenides poem (Extraordinary Doctorate Award 2001, and Honorable Mention to the Prize of the Faculty of Doctors of the UB), a new Castilian version of the Lives of the philosophers of Diogenes Laercio, with an extensive commentary, as well as numerous articles published in journals of philosophy and thought, such as Archipelago, Mania, Convivium, Invarianti (Rome) and others. He has also published translations of several modern authors (Schiller, Döblin, Anders, Debord, Anderson and others) and is vice president of the Association of Philosophical Studies MANIA and Societas Philosophorum Viventium, founding member of the Center for Rural Development and Environment Studies (La Paz, Bolivia) and member of the Seminary of Political Philosophy and of the Seminar of Greek Philosophy and Culture of the UB.