Corbí Marià Quiñonero, born in Valencia in 1932 has always lived in Barcelona and director of the Center for the Study of Religious Traditions (CETRA) in Barcelona. Degree in theology and a doctorate in philosophy, has taught at ESADE and Vidal y Barraquer Foundation. He dedicated his life to the study of ideological and religious implications of the changes generated by post-industrial societies and innovation. Among his scientific contributions include the rationale and delivery of social scientific epistemology of values, a new classification of the real, a pioneer categorization of religion and epistemology of religion as an inner journey. Until the appearance of his work had philosophies of values, phenomenology, humanist and culturalist approaches, but not a social scientific epistemology. In an era of change in values and, therefore, so propitious to speak of loss, crisis and rescue them, the contribution of Corbí has milestone significance of safe and rigorous guidance.