María Marta García Negroni

María Marta García Negroni

Maria Marta Garcia Negroni
She was born on July 28, 1957. Since 1997, she has been a CONICET researcher and since 2012, she has been in the category of Principal Investigator, Regular Associate Professor of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the UBA. She was a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid and a Visiting Professor and lecturer at several universities in France, Brazil, Spain, Chile and Argentina. She is a professor of Letters from the UBA (1982) and a PhD in Language Sciences from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (1995). Since 2011, she has been a full-time professor at the University of San Andrés (chair: University Writing and Discursive Practices) and since 2001, she has been in charge of the Writing Workshop of the Master of Journalism at the same university. She published several books, among them, Gradualité et Réinterprétation (Paris, L ’Harmattan, 2003), La enunciación en la lengua (Madrid, Gredos, 2001); The art of writing well in Spanish (Buenos Aires, Santiago Arcos editor, 2004), as well as numerous articles in national and foreign specialized magazines. His research is framed in the analysis of linguistic argumentation and enunciative polyphony, and is articulated around the study of the semantic-argumentative instructions present in the connectors and discursive markers, of the various types of negation and of other microdiscursive phenomena characteristic of discourse. academic scientist (deagentivated syntax, incidence of nominalizations, attenuation and reinforcement resources, metadiscourse, etc.). She received several awards, among them: Chevalier dans l ’Ordre des Palmes Académiques (France, 2003), 2006 Konex Prize in the Linguistic and Literary Theory category, and Distinction from the UBA (2008).