Ricard Huerta is a professor of artistic education at the Universitat de València, a member of the University Institute of Creativity and Educational Innovations, director of EARI Artistic Education Research Magazine and coordinator of the CREARI Group of Research in Cultural Pedagogies (GIUV2013-103). He has been invited to centers in France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Brazil, Argentina, Cuba, Uruguay, Peru, Colombia and Chile, as well as at the universities of Girona, Lleida, Complutense, Zaragoza and Santiago de Compostela. LGTB activist from the Col·lectiu Lambda and founder with Germán Navaro of the Museari Museu de l’Imaginari (www.museari.com), an online museum for the defense of human rights and sexual diversity. As a visual artist, he elaborates graphic discourses with themes that are deeply impregnated by typography and calligraphy, proposals that he incorporates photography, drawing, engraving and video. His projects Women Teachers, Poetics of the Urban Alphabet and HomoAlphabet are present in rooms, museums and galleries at the international level.