A la escucha del sentido

Conversaciones con Marc-Antoine Vallée

A la escucha del sentido - Jean  Grondin - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 190 g
Rustic with flaps

This series of five interviews conducted by Marc- Antoine Vallée reveals the path of Jean Grondin , the renowned Canadian philosopher . By reconstructing its philosophical itinerary , especially the work on the hermeneutic tradition and its main representatives, Heidegger, Gadamer and Ricoeur - emerges a fascinating reflection on some of the facets of the great question of meaning . Are there one immanent to life? How to articulate the art and literature our experience of it? What is the contribution of religion to philosophical reflection on him? The outcome of the talks is a critical resistance to any nominalist , constructivist reduction or nihilistic sense , ie a simply illusory reality constructed or factitious .

Marc- Antoine Vallée is a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Montreal. In addition to this work, has published Le sujet hermeneutics . Étude sur la pensée o...read more


Book: A la escucha del sentido

ISBN: 9788425431647
Precio de lista: $600.00
Descuento: 30%