Actividades para evaluar ciencias en secundaria

Actividades para evaluar ciencias en secundaria -  AA.VV. - Machado Libros
Publisher name: 
Machado Libros
Year of publication: 

The main objective of this book is to offer science teachers and, in general, to all readers interested in the scientific curriculum, a large number of evaluation activities, for students 12, 14 and 16, analyzed from capabilities who try to develop, from their belonging to different stematic block, from the different types of contents that they intend to evaluate or from the gradation of difficulties for the different ages, although the final pretension is to unveil the educational intentions that underlie each of you Proposed activities and, therefore, it is considered that this book may be useful for teachers who face daily on the task of teaching and evaluating. Its reading invites you to reflect on the tasks to which you have to face before the evaluation to guarantee the coherence of the process. Priority to evaluating it is necessary to specify the conception of scientific more


Book: Actividades para evaluar ciencias en secundaria

ISBN: 9788477741459
Precio de lista: $385.00
Descuento: 25%