Bienvenidos al desierto de lo Real

Bienvenidos al desierto de lo Real - Slavoj Zizek - Akal
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Year of publication: 
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Weight: 280.7 g

Is the war against terrorism launched by Bush and ruthlessly carried out by the American war machine the coherent response of a rational analysis of the contemporary world, or the atavistic expression of a panic terror that does not at all question the very foundations of our pact with the brutal reality of contemporary capitalism? In what ways do progressive criticism and politics of advanced countries - comfortably installed in an insurmountable division of wealth, power and security with respect to the global South - accommodate the stony reality of inequality in the world economy and society? Are democracy and fundamentalism the concepts that allow us to think about the strategic civilization options of the next few years, or do these overcoded concepts only invite a paroxysmal destruction of an imaginary enemy that makes impossible the dispassionate diagnosis of the world in more


Book: Bienvenidos al desierto de lo Real

ISBN: 9788446020387
Precio de lista: $530.00
Descuento: 15%