
Categorías - Aristóteles  - Escolar y mayo
Publisher name: 
Escolar y mayo
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

"This annotated translation of the Categories has modest claims. It does not attempt to discover Aristotle's linguistic or cultural subconscious through etymological knowledge. He does not insist on comparing his texts to hunt for inconsistencies that betray influences, evolutions and interpolations. Nor does he look at his he works from the heights of modern and postmodern philosophy to reduce it to the category of imperfect precedent. Still less does he dare to prosecute such high-profile investigations. Except for the occasional exception, he is content to present, renewed as necessary, the classical interpretation , which had the necessary unity to ensure that, within it, a fruitful dispute between partially discordant tendencies took place, because, in our opinion, that tradition, today as unknown as it is reviled, deserves to be remembered. good or bad, we consult or discuss more


Book: Categorías

ISBN: 9788416020669